- Overview
- Purpose of the Reporting Dashboard Tool
- Where to Find the Reporting Dashboard Tool
- Creating a Dashboard
- Editing a Dashboard
- Sections
- Widgets
- Configuring Widgets
- Exporting Widgets as Images
The Reporting Dashboard plugin allows administrators to create and save a series of graphs, tables, and lists - known as “widgets” - to summarize and display data. These widgets draw data collected and stored on forms in a workspace, update in real-time as new data is added or edited, and can be organized and grouped via different dashboards and sections.
This article explains how to create a new dashboard or edit an existing one by adding, editing, and configuring Sections and widgets; details how to adjust the Reporting Dashboard settings; describes different types of widgets and how they can be configured to summarize and display data; and outlines how to export widgets as images for use elsewhere.
Purpose of Reporting Dashboard
The Reporting Dashboard tool is primarily used to summarize, track, and display information. Some example use cases are:
- Comparing how many draft vs. completed applications are currently in the workspace.
- Displaying the proportions of awarded applications by different demographic categories, such as ethnicity, primary language spoken, gender, or area of residence.
- Totaling the amount of funds allocated to different project types.
By using the Reporting Dashboard widgets, these reporting needs - and many more - can be satisfied. The Zengine filtering tool can be used to determine which records should be included in a widget’s summary or display (for more information, see the article Filtering). Finally, the Reporting Dashboard widgets also update in near real-time, so this tool can be used to understand a program’s applicant pool, and how those applicants are progressing through the program, at a high level.
Where to Find the Reporting Dashboard Tool
To access the Reporting Dashboard tool, begin by accessing a workspace with this plugin installed as an administrator.
- At the top of any screen of the workspace, identify the blue toolbar.
- Select the Reporting Dashboard icon to access this tool.
If this icon does not appear in the workspace, contact our Support Team to have it installed.
You will either see the default dashboard configured for your workspace, or if no dashboard has been created, a mostly blank screen. (To create a new dashboard, see the section Creating a New Dashboard below.)
Creating a New Dashboard
The Reporting Dashboard tool can be organized into multiple “dashboards,” each of which can contain a variety of widgets that are grouped or organized by Sections. This is useful for organizing a workspace’s reported data - for example, different dashboards can contain widgets that are grouped together by theme, year, or data source.
Before configuring widgets to summarize and display the workspace data, at least one dashboard must be created. The process to create a new dashboard is slightly different depending on whether any existing dashboards have been created or not.
To tell if there is an existing dashboard, compare the workspace’s Reporting Dashboard screen to the screenshots below.
- If no dashboards have been created yet, the screen will be blank, except for two buttons in the upper left corner. One will display (no name) as the name of the dashboard; the other will be a gray button labeled Edit Mode, as shown below. (To continue, advance to the section Creating the First Dashboard below.)
- If a dashboard is present, the same buttons will be displayed in the upper left corner, but the blue button will display the name of the default dashboard, and widgets will be shown on the screen. (To create a new dashboard from here, advance to the section Creating a Dashboard (when Dashboards Exist) below.)
Creating the First Dashboard
To create a new dashboard when none have been created:
- Logged in as an administrator, access the Reporting Dashboard tool (see the section Where to Find the Reporting Dashboard Tool above).
- Select the Edit Mode button to create a new dashboard. This will open the Dashboard Settings screen.
The Dashboard Settings screen shows configuration options for the name and permissions settings for a given dashboard on the left side, while the right side allows administrators to set a default dashboard that will be shown when the Reporting Dashboard tool is accessed. The different configuration options are shown in the image below.
- A - Give the Reporting Dashboard a unique and informative name.
- B - Choose who should have the ability to view the Dashboard under permissions. By default, this will always include the Owner and Administrator roles; this cannot be changed. Full Member and Editor roles, as well as any other roles that have been set up in the workspace, can be given Read-only permissions by selecting the box next to their titles.
- C - To the right are personal settings. This determines which dashboard, if any, will be shown by default when first accessing the Reporting Dashboard tool. To change the selection, choose the dropdown and select a dashboard.
- If no dashboards display in this dropdown field as options, be sure to create the first dashboard on the left side of the Settings and select Save Dashboard Settings.
- When finished, select Save Dashboard Settings to create the new dashboard.
- Select Save User Settings if the Default Dashboard Setting is changed.
- Exit the Settings by selecting the X in the upper right corner or by selecting anywhere outside of the Settings window.
Creating a New Dashboard (when Dashboards Exist)
If the workspace already has one or more dashboards, the default dashboard will show when accessing the Reporting Dashboard tool. More than one dashboard can be created in the Reporting Dashboard tool. Some organizations find it useful to have multiple dashboards to organize data and display the right information for the right audience.
To create a new Reporting Dashboard when there are existing ones:
- Select Edit Mode in the upper left corner of the screen.
- Three new options will appear: Settings, Delete [Name of Current Dashboard], and New Dashboard. In addition, the button labeled Edit Mode will change to View Mode. Select New Dashboard.
- Enter the new dashboard name and select Create Dashboard.
From here, the Dashboard Settings can be edited (see the section Editing a Dashboard below) or new Sections and Widgets can be added to the dashboard (see the sections Adding a Section or Adding a Widget below).
Editing a Dashboard
This section will cover how to toggle between the Editing and View modes of a dashboard and change existing settings, sections, and widgets.
Entering Edit Mode will allow an administrator to edit the dashboard that is currently being viewed. To change which Dashboard is currently being viewed:
- Select the blue button in the upper left of the screen that displays the current Dashboard.
- This will open a dropdown menu displaying the names of the existing dashboards that can be viewed. Select the appropriate Dashboard from the dropdown menu.
To enter Edit Mode and add, configure, or reorder Sections and widgets for the currently selected dashboard:
- Choose the dashboard to edit and select Edit Mode.
- Edit mode is only accessible by those with Administrator or Owner permissions.
- Note when a dashboard is in Edit mode, this button will change to display View Mode in that same location. View Mode does not allow editing but is accessible to any members with permissions roles that are configured on the Dashboard Settings screen.
To adjust the Dashboard Settings of the dashboard currently being viewed:
- Begin by choosing the dashboard and selecting Edit Mode.
- Select Settings.
- The Dashboard Settings and Personal Settings will both appear in this window.
For a detailed explanation of the Settings, see the section Creating a New Dashboard above.
To Delete the currently selected dashboard:
- Begin by choosing the dashboard and select the red Delete [Name of the Dashboard] button.
- A message box will appear confirming the deletion. Select Yes to continue, or Close to stop the deleting process.
Note: once a dashboard has been deleted, this action cannot be reversed.
Sections can be used to organize how widgets will be displayed on the dashboard. When a new dashboard is created, one Section will also be created by default. However, this Section can be deleted and replaced, or new Sections can be added. Sections can consist of multiple rows of widgets, and there can be multiple Sections to change the arrangement of groups of widgets throughout the dashboard.
Adding a Section
To add a new Section to a dashboard:
- Select the dashboard to edit and select Edit Mode to enter the editing mode. If necessary, create a new dashboard first (see Creating a New Dashboard above).
- Select the green Add Section button.
- Choose a display option from the drop down (see above image). This controls how much horizontal space the different widgets will take up in their Sections. For example, selecting 100% will cause all widgets to take the full width of the screen, regardless of the data displayed. Selecting 33% | 67% will create a Section with two widget dimensions side-by-side; the left-hand widget will take ⅓ of the screen, while the right-hand widget will take ⅔ of the screen.
- Many widgets can be added in the same Section.
- The vertical size of the widget will depend on the data displayed: a long table containing many rows of data will likely take more vertical space than a pie chart or summary widget, for example.
- To add another Section, scroll to the bottom of the dashboard and select Add Section again.
Once a Section has been added to a Dashboard, widgets can be configured and created (see Adding a Widget below).
Moving a Section
Sections can be rearranged above or below other Sections on a Dashboard.
To move a Section:
- In Edit Mode, locate the Move Section icon at the upper right corner of a Section.
- Select and hold the icon to drag-and-drop the Section up or down on the dashboard.
Deleting a Section
Sections can also be deleted. Note that Sections can be deleted from a dashboard only when there are no widgets in that Section; if widgets are present in a Section, they must first be deleted or moved to a different Section.
To delete a Section:
- In Edit Mode, locate the Delete Section button in the lower right corner of a Section.
Note: this button will only appear when there are no widgets present in a Section.
- Select Delete Section. A popup message will appear confirming that you wish to delete this Section.
- Select Yes to confirm this deletion, or Close to cancel.
Widgets display data within the Section. There are 8 types of widgets to choose from that will display a graph, table or list, summary, image, or text. Each has its own Configuration requirements (see the section Configuring Widgets below). These can be added only if a dashboard has at least one Section present.
Types of Widgets
Eight types of widgets can be created on a dashboard to summarize and display data from your workspace, display static text, or display an image:
- Pie Chart: view a summary of data in pie chart form
- Commonly used to display proportions and/or percentages of data that add up to a meaningful whole.
- Slices can be selected to separate them slightly from the rest of the pie chart. This can be useful to make particular slices stand out.
- The category labels at the bottom of the widget can be selected to hide and show those related slices in the pie chart.
- Example: Percentage of high-school applicants in each year of school
- Bar Chart: view a summary of the data in bar chart form
- Commonly used to compare categories of numerical or financial data for which the total is less meaningful
- Bar charts can be configured to include stacked values or side-by-side display of data within categories, adding a third dimension to data summation and display
- If this is configured, the categories will display at the bottom of the widget; these can be selected to hide or show the categories on the bar chart.
- Example: Total amount of funding requested, categorized by the US state of applicant
- Line Chart: view a summary of the data in line chart form
- Commonly used for to display the change over time for a single variable or data point
- The gray bar at the top of the widget can be adjusted to dynamically narrow or expand the time frame displayed (up to 1 year)
- Example: Amount of award funds spent by awarded organizations over the course of a year
- Data List: view one or two fields from a form displayed in paired columns, which can be shown in ascending or descending order by either column
- Commonly used to view a subset of data presented as a list
- Example: Amount Awarded per Application/Project
- Table: a calculation-based view of data presented in a table format, with options to select a calculation type, group rows in different ways or by different fields, and display summaries.
- While tables look similar to data lists at first glance, tables can also calculate and summarize rows and columns based on data values, or aggregate data based on additional fields. Depending on the specific configuration, the result can appear like a data list with row and column summaries, or like a tabular version of pie, bar, or line charts.
- Example: Total Amount Requested across all submitted applications by Project Impact Area
- Summary: a single calculation result from a group of data records
- Commonly used to display one important calculation
- Example: Total amount funded across all applications to date
- Image: a static image for display purposes
- Commonly used to display a reference image
- Text: static text presented to anyone viewing the dashboard
- Commonly used to explain portions of the dashboard for other users
Adding a Widget
- After the Section is created, green Add Widget buttons will appear in the configuration selected. Select one to see a dropdown list of widget types that can be added to that widget pane.
- Select from the dropdown the type of widget that should be added to the Section (see Types of Widgets above).
- This will bring up the configuration pane for the type of widget chosen (see image below for an example). Fill out the required configuration fields. For more information on what each of these requires, see Configuring Widgets below.
- After the selections are finalized, select Save at the bottom of the widget.
Editing a Widget
Once a widget has been added and configured, it can be edited to change the configuration settings. All configuration settings can be edited; however, the widget type cannot be changed once the widget has been created. To change the widget type, the widget must be deleted (see Deleting a Widget below) and a new widget added of the appropriate type.
To edit an existing widget’s configuration settings:
- Select the dashboard containing the widget to be edited and enter Edit Mode.
- In the upper right corner of the widget, select the Edit Widget button.
- This will open the configuration settings for that specific widget. These can then be changed. In addition, the Edit Widget button will change to Show Widget.
- To exit the widget configuration settings without saving changes, select Show Widget to display the widget.
- Once the changes have been made, select the blue Save button at the bottom of the widget configuration settings to save the changes and return to the widget display.
Moving a Widget
A widget can be moved to a different place within a Section, or to a different Section in the same dashboard, by dragging and dropping the widget in the appropriate place. (A widget cannot be moved to a different dashboard). The width of the widget will automatically adjust depending on the location or Section in which it is dropped (see Adding a Section above for more information).
To move a widget:
- Select the dashboard containing the widget to be edited and enter Edit Mode.
- Identify the Move Widget icon in the upper left corner of the widget to be moved.
- Select the Move Widget icon and keep it selected while dragging the widget to the appropriate location. When it is near the location, release the icon; the widget will automatically snap into place.
Duplicating a Widget
A widget can be copied with all configuration settings intact; this is especially useful for making small adjustments (for example, changing the field displayed, the calculation type, or the filter to include records from one year to another) without having to fully configure a new widget.
To duplicate a widget:
- Select the dashboard containing the widget to be edited and enter Edit Mode.
- In the upper right hand corner of the widget, select the Duplicate Widget button.
- The duplicate widget will instantly appear below the original widget in the same Section. From here, the widget can be edited to adjust the configuration settings (see Editing a Widget above) or moved to a different location (see Moving a Widget above).
Deleting a Widget
Widgets can also be deleted from a dashboard. This action is not reversible, so be sure this is desired. To delete a widget:
- Select the dashboard containing the widget to be edited and enter Edit Mode.
- In the upper right corner of the widget, select the Delete Widget button.
- A pop-up message will appear to confirm this action. Select Yes to permanently delete the widget, or Close to cancel the action.
Configuring Widgets
When adding a widget, the Reporting Dashboard requires input into which data should be included and how that widget should be displayed. The options will change depending on the widget type selected. The following sections describe all possible components, how the values entered change which configuration options display, and which are required or optional. All fields are editable or deletable.
The configuration pages for a specific widget will open when the type is selected (see Types of Widgets above) or when the Edit Widget button is selected (see Editing a Widget above).
When configuring a widget, please keep the following tips in mind:
- All widgets (except Image and Text widgets) allow administrators to filter which records are included in the summation and display (see Filtering Records below).
- The fields used in a widget must exist on the same form. While Linked Form fields can be selected to display or group values by the linked parent record, fields on parent forms or child forms cannot be chosen.
- Multi-select fields (i.e., checkbox fields) cannot be chosen as a data input for any widget type.
- Generally speaking, configuration will be most successful if administrators expect to display or summarize the data in one numerical/financial field that is grouped or measured by one single-select (i.e., dropdown or radio button) field. As one example, a pie chart can easily be configured to display the amount of funding requested (the data to be summarized) by project impact area (the data that will measure or group the summation).
- Adding additional dimensions of data - for example, the amount of funding requested by project impact area per year - is difficult. If this is desired, multiple widgets should be configured (i.e., one widget measuring this information for each year).
- However, exceptions to the above recommendation exist:
- Bar Chart widgets allow data in a field to be split by a separate field, allowing for a third dimension of data to be viewed (see Bar Charts below for more information).
- Summary widgets only display one summarized data input or field, which cannot be grouped or measured by another field.
- Image and Text widgets do not summarize or display data inputs at all.
- Make sure the Calculation Type chosen is appropriate to the data to be calculated. Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median calculations will not produce legible results for non-numerical data; likewise, choosing Count as the Calculation Type will generally add up the number of records in this form that match the record filter criteria (if configured).
Configuring widgets is not always intuitive, and success depends on the data fields that are available in the form selected. If you have trouble configuring the widgets to display the data correctly, please reach out to the WizeHive Support Team for assistance.
Filtering Records
All widgets that display data from your workspace include the option to filter which records on the designated form will be included in the summation and/or display. The Record Filter will allow administrators to set criteria using fields on the form or linked forms; only records that meet the defined criteria will be included in the widget. For example, the filter can be set to include only applications submitted in the current year, or only award records with financial awards over a given amount.
To add a record filter to a widget:
- Open the configuration settings for a widget by adding a new widget or editing an existing one.
- Near the top of the widget configuration settings, below the fields for Title and Form, select the gray Add Record Filter button.
- This will open the Zengine Filtering tool. Set the filters to be used. When done, select Save to save the filter, or Cancel to exit the filter without saving any changes.
For more information about using the filter tool, see the article Filtering.
- When a filter has been added, the Add Record Filter button will change to a green Update Record Filter button. Select this button to reopen the record filter tool and edit the existing filters. In addition, a new button labeled Reset Filter will appear; select this button to clear all filters.
- Be sure to select the blue Save button at the bottom of the widget configuration pane to save your changes.
Pie Charts
Adding or editing a pie chart widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Show Slices For: Select the field that will serve as the data category to be displayed in each slice of the pie chart. In other words, these are the “groups” into which the calculated data will be sorted and displayed.
- Calculation Type: This determines how the data field selected in Show Slices For will be calculated. Calculation options include Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median.
- Count will calculate the number of times a value occurs; in practical terms, this will count the number of records for which a value is entered in the field selected in Show Slices For.
- Sum and Average will add up the sum total, or find the average, respectively, for the field selected in Show Slices For for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-number fields.
- Maximum, Minimum, and Median will display the maximum, minimum, and median value, respectively, for the field selected in Show Slices For for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-number fields.
- Calculation Field: This configuration is required but only appears if the Calculation Type chosen is Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Mean. The form field chosen for this configuration option will determine which value is calculated (totaled, averaged, etc.); thus, a number field should be chosen. These calculations will appear in each slice for the categories in the field chosen for Show Slices For.
- Maximum Slices: This is optional but will limit the number of slices shown in the pie chart. If the number (i.e., “4,” not “four”) entered here is lower than the total number of categories in the field chosen for Show Slices For, the categories with the highest values will be displayed, and all other categories will be grouped into an additional single slice labeled “Other.”
- Show Percentages: Check this box to display percentages for each slice in the pie chart in place of quantities. Uncheck this box to display the quantities in each slice.
- Chart Fill: This will determine how the color of each slice is displayed. In most cases, there is little practical difference between Automatic Color and Unified Color by Category; when in doubt, select Automatic Color. (The colors of each slice cannot be manually chosen.)
- Empty Value Text: This is an optional configuration that can be used if any records in the field selected for Show Slices For do not have values entered into them; by default, empty values will be displayed as (empty), but enter text into this configuration if custom text should be displayed instead.
- Decimal Places: This is an optional configuration that will control how many decimal places are shown for the calculated field. Enter a number (i.e., “2” instead of “two”).
- This configuration is meant for numerical or financial fields and calculation types; it will have no effect if the field chosen for Show Slices For is non-numerical, or the Count option is chosen for Calculation Type.
Bar Charts
Adding or editing a bar chart widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Show Bars For: Select the field that will serve as the data category to be displayed in each bar of the bar chart. In other words, these are the “groups” into which the calculated data will be sorted and displayed, and will be shown along the x-axis of the chart.
- Calculation Type: This determines how the data field selected in Show Bars For will be calculated. Calculation options include Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median.
- Count will calculate the number of times a value occurs; in practical terms, this will count the number of records for which a value is entered in the field selected in Show Bars For.
- Sum and Average will add up the sum total, or find the average, respectively, for the field selected in Show Bars For for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-number fields.
- Maximum, Minimum, and Median will display the maximum, minimum, and median value, respectively, for the field selected in Show Bars For for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-number fields.
- Calculation Field: This configuration is required but only appears if the Calculation Type chosen is Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Mean. The form field chosen for this configuration option will determine which value is calculated (totaled, averaged, etc.); thus, a number field should be chosen. These calculations will appear in each bar for the categories in the field chosen for Show Bars For. In other words, these calculations will appear along the y-axis of the bar chart by each category along the x-axis.
- Maximum Bars: This is optional but will limit the number of bars shown in the bar chart. If the number entered here is lower than the total number of categories in the field chosen for Show Bars For, the categories with the highest values will be displayed, and all other categories will be grouped into an additional single slice labeled “Other.”
- Split Bars By: This optional field allows administrators to add a third dimension to the data displayed by splitting bars by an additional form field. This field should consist of discrete categories (such as a dropdown or radio button field), not numbers.
- For example, selecting “State” for Show Bars For, “Sum” for Calculation Type, and “Total Requested” for Calculation Field will create a bar chart showing the total amount requested for all applications from each state. Adding “Program Impact Area” to Split Bars By will further divide up the total amount requested in each state category by each impact area category.
- If this option is configured, a key will appear at the bottom of the widget showing the Split Bars By categories by color.
- Split Style: This field will only appear if a value other than “Do Not Stack” is chosen for Split Bars By. Administrators can choose to display the split bars as Stacked (a single bar will be divided up into proportional lengths by the Split Bars By field categories), or as Side-by-Side (the Split Bars By categories will be shown as separate bars, side-by-side, within the larger categories as determined by the field chosen for Show Bars For).
- Truncate Labels: Check this box to shorten category labels on the x-axis if they are too long to easily display (over 25 characters). Leaving it unchecked can cause these labels to run into each other if they are too long.
- This will add an ellipse after the last complete word under 25 characters (i.e., “Reading Historical Restoration” becomes “Reading Historical…”)
- Sort Bars By: This determines the order in which the bars should be placed on the chart.
- Values Ascending: The category with the smallest calculated value will appear on the left, and progress in increasing order by calculated value to the right.
- Values Descending: The category with the largest calculated value will appear on the left, and progress in decreasing order by calculated value to the right.
- Labels Ascending: The bars will be ordered in alphabetical order by label/category.
- Labels Descending: The bars will be ordered in reverse-alphabetical order by label/category.
- Chart Fill: This will determine how the color of each slice is displayed. In most cases, there is little practical difference between Automatic Color and Unified Color by Category; when in doubt, select Automatic Color. (The colors of each slice cannot be manually chosen.)
- Decimal Places: This is an optional configuration that will control how many decimal places are shown for the calculated field. Enter a number (i.e., “2” instead of “two”).
- This configuration is meant for numerical or financial fields and calculation types; it will have no effect if the field chosen for Show Slices For is non-numerical, or the Count option is chosen for Calculation Type.
Line Charts
Adding or editing a line chart widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Calculation Type: This determines how the data field selected in Calculation Field (see below) will be calculated. Calculation options include Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median.
- Count will not perform a calculation on a value in a field; rather, it will count the number of records that exist on the form selected for Form (notwithstanding any Record Filters that are set).
- Sum and Average will add up the sum total, or find the average, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-number fields.
- Maximum, Minimum, and Median will display the maximum, minimum, and median value, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-numerical fields.
- Calculation Field: This configuration is required but only appears if the Calculation Type chosen is Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Mean. The form field chosen for this configuration option will determine which value is calculated (totaled, averaged, etc.) and displayed over time in the line chart; thus, a number field should be chosen.
- Date Field: Select the form field that will be used to order the calculated values on the x-axis. A Date field must be chosen.
- Within a Period of One: This configuration will determine the time frame for data points displayed on the line chart. The options are within one Year, Quarter (3-month period), Month, or Week. Selecting an option will display the line graph over the most recent period chosen, ending with current date; this will update automatically.
- Break Down Lines By: This field is optional; if left blank, the line chart will display a single line showing the values over time that are selected in the Calculation Type / Field configuration options. However, administrators can choose an additional field to display multiple lines, each one showing the values over time by category in the field chosen. A single-select field (i.e., dropdown or radio button) field will produce the best results.
- Decimal Places: This is an optional configuration that will control how many decimal places are shown for the calculated field. Enter a number (i.e., “2” instead of “two”).
- This configuration is meant for numerical or financial fields and calculation types; it will have no effect if the Count option is chosen for Calculation Type.
Data Lists
Adding or editing a data list widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Column 1: Select the field to be listed in the first column of the data list widget. Only fields on the form chosen will be available for selection.
- Column 2: Select the field to be listed in the second column of the data list widget. Only fields on the form chosen will be available for selection. This configuration is optional.
- Sort By: Select the field that will be used to order the data list. Only fields on the form chosen will be available for selection, but this can be any field on the form - it does not need to be one of the fields displayed in a column.
- Ascending / Descending: Select one option to determine how the records shown in the data list will be ordered. The records will be ordered by the field chosen in Sort By.
- Rows to Display: Enter a number to determine how many rows will be displayed in the data list. If the number entered is lower than the number of records in the form that meet any filter criteria set, which records appear will be determined by the Sort By and Ascending / Descending configurations.
- Empty Value Text: This is an optional configuration that can be used if any records in the field selected for Column 1 or Column 2 do not have values entered into them; by default, empty values will be displayed as (empty), but enter text into this configuration if custom text should be displayed instead.
Adding or editing a table widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Calculation Type: This determines how the data field selected in Calculation Field (see below) will be calculated. Calculation options include Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median.
- Count will not perform a calculation on a value in a field; rather, it will count the number of records that exist on the form selected for Form (notwithstanding any Record Filters that are set).
- Sum and Average will add up the sum total, or find the average, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-numerical fields.
- Maximum, Minimum, and Median will display the maximum, minimum, and median value, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-numerical fields.
- Calculation Field: This configuration is required but only appears if the Calculation Type chosen is Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Mean. The form field chosen for this configuration option will determine which value is calculated (totaled, averaged, etc.) and displayed in the table; thus, a number field should be chosen.
- Group Rows By: Select a field from the form that will be used to group the values chosen in Calculation Field. For best results, choose a single-select (i.e., a drop-down or radio button) field.
- The field chosen will appear in the left column of the table.
- Sort By: This will determine how the rows in the column will be sorted
- Calculation Type (default) will order the rows by the values calculated for the field chosen in Calculation Field.
- Group Rows By will order the rows by the categories in the field chosen for Group Rows By.
- Sort by Direction: Select an option (Descending or Ascending) to determine the order in which the rows will appear. They will be ordered in ascending or descending order by the option chosen in Sort By.
- Show Columns For: This configuration option will determine which columns are displayed in the table. The default option Totals Only will result in only the calculated value (as determined by the Calculation Type / Field configurations) for each category in Group Rows By being displayed on the right side of the table.
- Choosing a different field for this configuration will display one column being displayed for each category or value in this field; each cell in the table will either display the Empty Value Text or the calculated value determined by Calculation Type for the field chosen in Calculation Field.
- Choosing a field other than Totals Only will generally not produce a useful result; since most records will only have one value entered per category for the field chosen, most of the table cells will show (empty) or the text entered into Empty Value Text. However, it can be useful for grouping values by date or time period (see Group Column Dates By, below).
- Group Column Dates By: This configuration will only appear if a date field is chosen in Show Columns For. This allows administrators to group the calculated values from records together by the date entered into the designated date field. For example, selecting Month will group the calculated values into months based on the date in the date field chosen in Show Columns For.
- The options available are Year, Quarter, Month, Day of Week, Day of Month, Month of Year, and Quarter of Year.
- Show Row Summaries on the Right: Check this box to add an additional column on the right side of the table that will display the calculated value (based on the Calculation Type / Field) for each row. This setting will have no effect if Totals Only is selected for Show Columns For.
- Show Column Summaries on the Bottom: Check this box to add an additional row at the bottom of the table that will display calculated value (based on the Calculation Type / Field) for each column.
- Note that this row will always display “Total” regardless of the calculation type chosen; however, the values displayed will be correct.
- Show Percentages: Check this box to display the percentages of the calculated values in small gray text, underneath the value, in the right-hand column (if turned on) and bottom row (if turned on). This configuration will only be available if Count or Sum is chosen for Calculation Type.
- Maximum Rows to Show: Enter a number to determine how many rows will be displayed in the table. If the number entered is lower than the number of records in the form that meet any filter criteria set, which records appear will be determined by the Sort By and Sort By Direction configurations.
- This will add an option to the table, when displayed, to Show [X] hidden rows (where [X] represents the number of hidden rows). Selecting this will show the hidden rows; the option then changes to Hide [X] rows.
- Empty Value Text: This is an optional configuration that can be used if any records in the field selected do not have values entered into them; by default, empty values will be displayed as (empty), but enter text into this configuration if custom text should be displayed instead.
- Decimal Places: This is an optional configuration that will control how many decimal places are shown for the calculated field. Enter a number (i.e., “2” instead of “two”).
- This configuration is meant for numerical or financial fields and calculation types; it will have no effect if the Count option is chosen for Calculation Type.
Adding or editing a summary widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required unless otherwise noted):
- Title: this is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the data displayed in the widget.
- Form: The workspace form that will be utilized in this widget. This form should be the one that contains the fields of interest. Only one form can be selected for a widget.
- Calculation Type: This determines how the data field selected in Calculation Field (see below) will be calculated. Calculation options include Count, Sum, Average, Minimum, Maximum, and Median.
- Count will not perform a calculation on a value in a field; rather, it will count the number of records that exist on the form selected for Form (notwithstanding any Record Filters that are set).
- Sum and Average will add up the sum total, or find the average, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-numerical fields.
- Maximum, Minimum, and Median will display the maximum, minimum, and median value, respectively, for the field selected in Calculation Field for all records included in the widget calculation. These calculation types are appropriate for numerical fields and will have no effect if chosen for non-numerical fields.
- Calculation Field: This configuration is required but only appears if the Calculation Type chosen is Sum, Average, Maximum, Minimum, or Mean. The form field chosen for this configuration option will determine which value is calculated (totaled, averaged, etc.) and displayed in the summary widget; thus, a number field should be chosen.
- Footer Text: This is an optional configuration, but any text written here will appear at the bottom of the widget. This is ideal for brief summaries of the data displayed.
- Decimal Places: This is an optional configuration that will control how many decimal places are shown for the calculated value. Enter a number (i.e., “2” instead of “two”).
- This configuration is meant for numerical or financial fields and calculation types; it will have no effect if the Count option is chosen for Calculation Type.
Image widgets are different from most other widget types in that they do not calculate, summarize, or display data from a workspace; instead, they display a static image.
However, the image provided must be hosted on a webpage; it cannot be uploaded from a different source, such as a local or cloud drive. The widget will reference the hosted image via the image URL, which is entered into the widget configuration settings.
To obtain the image URL:
- Navigate to the webpage that contains the image you want to add to the Reporting Dashboard widget, then identify the image.
- Right-click the image. If the image can be used, an option to Copy Image Address (or, alternatively, Copy Image URL) should appear.
Different operating systems and web browsers may show slightly different options available than the image shown.
- Select Copy Image Address, then navigate to the Reporting Dashboard tool for the Zengine workspace to configure. This will be entered into the configuration options for the image widget.
Adding or editing an image widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required):
- Title: This is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the image displayed in the widget.
- Image URL: Paste the Image Address / URL that was copied from the webpage hosting the image.
Like image widgets, text widgets do not calculate, summarize, or display data; instead, only text is displayed. This may be suitable for providing written descriptions about the widgets found in a Section or dashboard, for example.
Adding or editing an image widget will show the following configuration fields (all are required):
- Title: This is the name that appears at the top of the widget. Provide something descriptive but brief to describe the image displayed in the widget.
- Text: Write the text you want to display in the widget here.
Exporting Widgets as Images
Bar chart, pie chart, and line chart widgets can be exported as images to be used elsewhere. These can be exported as PNG, PDF, or SVG image formats, or Printed using the local computer’s print function. This can be done when the dashboard is in View Mode or Edit Mode.
To export a widget as a PNG, PDF, or SVG image, or print the widget:
- In the bottom right corner of a widget, select the button with 3 dots (...) for the export options.
- PNG, PDF, and SVG will directly download the widget in the chosen file format when selected.
- Print will open the local computer’s Print dialogue box, where print options can be configured.
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