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Guidestar Charity Check Plugin
The Guidestar Charity Check will use an EIN entered into a field to reach out to Guidestar and pull all the associated information about that non-profit into a panel within the Zengine system. This plugin will also keep a running log of this information in a related form in Zengine, providing an easy way to lookup previous checks.
In order to set up Guidestar, go to settings and find the Guidestar icon.
You will be brought to this page:
You will have the option to "Create Configuration" or edit existing configurations if applicable. In most cases, once a configuration is established, changes are not likely. To create a new configuration, complete the following steps:
Pre-Configuration Steps
1. There must be a form with a Text field, that you will be collecting the Tax ID/EIN. This will be the form that you'd like to perform the Guidestar check.
2. A second form that will be used for the Logging, this form will require a certain number of fields and field types. Create a new form, "Guidestar Log" suggested name, and use the following field input types and labels (this will make the later steps easier):
- Linked Field - Linked to the form in Step 1
- Date Field - labeled "Ruling Date"
- Text Field - labeled "Pub 78 Field"
- Date Field - labeled "Lookup Date"
- Text Box Field - labeled "Subsection Description"
- Text Field - labeled "509a Status"
Plugin Configuration Steps
1. Click on the green "Create Configuration" button, this action will expand the configuration screen. You can now give this configuration a name, this is used only for admin identification. Next, set the Target Form, the form that contains the text field that stores the Tax ID/EIN. Once you set the target form, you will select the Target Field.
2. Once these fields are set, click on the "Logging Form" tab, which will show the field mapping for the log form you created in the Pre-Configuration Step 2. You will notice that the suggested field labels will be assist with faster configuration. Select the Logging Form and the other fields will display appropriate options as you continued down the screen.
Note: All fields are required, if you do not have all forms and fields in place before you configure, you will have to navigate away from the screen to complete those pre-configuration steps, then return. All work will be lost.
Once you have all fields selected, the blue "Save configuration" button will active and you will be able to save the configuration. There is also a yellow "Discard changes" button that will clear the configuration.
After you save, the configuration is added to your list of Guidestar configurations. You can go back in to make changes or delete by clicking on the name.
If you delete the configuration, you will no longer be able to run the Guidestar Charity Check on the form in this configuration, it will not delete the records in the logging form. You can have more than one configuration setup with this plugin.
Using this Plugin
First you will navigate to the form that stores the Tax ID/EIN. Find the record you would like to perform the check on and click into the record. On the right side panel, you will see a star icon that represents the Guidestar Charity Check. Click this icon to have Zengine go out and display data from the Guidestar database and the following will display:
This action will only display data on this screen. To log this info in the logging form, click on the gray "Verify Tax Status Reviewed" button on this screen. A new record will be created in the logging form, every time you click this button a new record will be added. You will received an onscreen verification at the top of your screen once you click the button, which lets you know that you now have a record added to the logging form and this record has a linked record as well.
You can view this record by navigating to the logging form:
Or from the record you performed the check, it has now been added as a linked record:
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