A workspace is a set of information that is shared with a specific group of people. For instance, you might have a workspace that you share with one group of people that holds information about customers, another workspace that you share with a different group of people that holds information about employees, and a third that you share with yet others that contain information about your marketing activities.
Workspaces are viewed and accessed from your Home screen.
The owner or an administrator of a workspace can share each workspace with as many different people as appropriate. Additionally, while there is no technical limit to the number of workspaces you can create or be a member of, creating new workspaces for additional programs can be complicated to set up and may affect your contract with WizeHive. If you a have questions about this, please contact your Client Success Manager at WizeHive.
Creating a Workspace
Click the green '+ New Workspace' button on your Home page in order to initiate the creation of a new workspace. There are 3 ways to create a workspace - they all stem from the creation of your first form:
- From a template: This method is best if you are learning how to use the system for the first time. Start from a template, then modify the forms and permissions to meet your requirements. Our current template list will appear as soon as you click New Workspace. Select the template you are interested in in order to get started - the wizard will guide you through.
If you don't want to use a template, you have two custom options. Select Custom Workspace in order to proceed.
- By building a form: Use drag and drop tools to build your form (think of this like adding columns to a spreadsheet, but that can have validation rules like making a cell required for every row.) Learn more about the form builder.
- By importing existing data: This method is best if you are migrating from a spreadsheet or a simple database system that has mostly text-based fields. Learn more about creating a form by importing data.
For all three methods, you will have the opportunity to name your Workspace.
You will also be prompted to name your first form:
Changing Workspace Name and Logo
If you are a workspace owner or administrator, you can change your workspace name and logo by going to your workspace Settings & Tools page by selecting the "gear" icon in your navigation bar, located in the upper right portion of any screen of your workspace. Note that all other users of a workspace will not be able to access the Settings & Tools page. For more information, see the articles Permissions and Standard Roles.
You will be brought to a page of settings specific to that workspace.
Select General Settings in order to change name and/or logo.
Sharing Workspaces
Share a workspace with others in order to allow users to view and edit data and collaborate within a workspace. You can share a workspace with other members by inviting them to join the workspace. For instructions on how to invite members to a workspace, see the articles Inviting Workspace Members and Joining a Workspace.
Existing workspace members will be listed with their avatars, display names, email addresses, and roles. You can adjust the level of access for existing members by changing their role.
To adjust an existing member's access, locate the listing of the member whose role you want to change; the current role will be displayed next to their email address, below the display name. Select the role to open a dropdown menu with a list of roles that have been set up for this workspace, and select the role that contains the appropriate level of access.
For more information on setting access for each role, see the articles Permissions, Standard Roles, and Custom Roles.
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