- Overview
- Accessing the Review Portal Settings
- Creating a New Review Portal
- Review Portal Settings
- Common Questions
Review portals allow external judges to review applications and, optionally, submit feedback that include both objective scoring and subjective comments. In most programs, it is a critical part of the program workflow. This article will describe how to access the Review Portal Settings, create a review portal, and edit the configuration settings for a review portal to ensure the portal provides the expected experience to reviewers.
For more information on using a Review Portal that has already been configured, see the article The Review Portal Experience.
Accessing the Review Portal Settings
Creating a new Review Portal or changing the configuration settings for an existing one can both be done from the Review Portal Settings. To access the Review Portal Settings:
- Logged into a Zengine workspace as an Administrator, access Settings & Tools by selecting the "gear" icon in the upper right corner of any page in the workspace.
- Select the Review Portal tile under Plugin Settings.
If the workspace does not have the Review Portal tile in the Settings & Tools section, please contact Zengine Support to have it installed.
- The next screen will display a list of any existing review portals, along with the option to create a new Review Portal. To create a new Review Portal, see the next section Creating a New Review Portal. To change the configuration settings for an existing portal, see the section Review Portal Settings below.
Creating a New Review Portal
Before creating a new Review Portal, please note that Review Programs and Processes must be set up first. One Review Process should be set up for each Review Portal that you plan to create, as these are typically associated in a one-to-one manner. For information on creating Review Programs and Processes, please see the article Program Manager.
After selecting the Review Portal tile from Plugin Settings, a listing of existing review portals will be displayed, if the program has any.
If no submission portals have been created for a workspace, a message may appear at this point indicating that the plugin needs permission to properly function.
If this is the first time a review portal has been created in the workspace, it may be necessary to authorize the plugin before continuing. Please contact the Zengine Support Team if this is the case.
While it is possible for a workspace owner or administrator to authorize this plugin by selecting the here link and providing their Zengine login email and password, any review portals in that workspace will only continue to function as long as the authorizing individual remains in the workspace. If that individual leaves the workspace, all review portals will cease to function properly. The Zengine Support Team can authorize the plugin in a way that ensures continued functionality, regardless of who is a member of the workspace.
Once the Review Portal Plugin has been authorized, continue with the directions below to create a new review portal:
- Select the green +Create Review Portal button located in the top right corner of the screen.
- The next screen will prompt administrators to choose the Review Program and Review Process that will be used for this portal (these must be set up beforehand in Program Manager Settings). Select the Program and Process to be used.
- Once the Program and Process has been chosen, select Save Settings to continue.
- The next screen will display the Settings tab of the Review Portal Settings for the new review portal.
Continue to the next section Review Portal Settings to learn how to configure and customize the new portal.
Review Portal Settings
Whether a new Review Portal has just been created, or the settings for the existing portal are being accessed, administrators will be brought to a page with five tabs, each representing a different set of configuration options, for the portal: Settings, Access, Data, Feedback, and Translations.
Note that if the Review Process for this portal was set up to not include reviewer feedback, the Feedback tab may not be present.
In addition, any changes that are made to any of these configuration options will not take effect until they are saved by selecting the blue Save all settings button, located in the lower left corner of any screen.
Settings Tab
The Settings tab contains general configuration options that apply to the overall appearance and behavior of the portal.
Option | Description |
The URL is the link that is published externally and/or distributed to external reviewers to access a specific Review Portal. Each portal will have it’s own unique URL slug (the part that appears after ) that can be edited. The URL slug only allows lowercase letter, numbers, dashes, or underscores (no spaces are allowed). The three buttons to the right of the URL field provide the following functions (from left to right):
Single Sign-On (SSO) | No configuration options can be changed here, but this will indicate whether Single-Sign On (SSO) is enabled for the review portal or not. (To set up SSO for your workspace or portal, please contact the Zengine Support Team.) |
Active |
The Active checkbox indicates whether or not the review portal is open for feedback. If checked, the portal will be active for the Start and End dates indicated (see below). If a reviewer or administrator goes to the Review Portal URL address while the portal is inactive, they will encounter an E1007 Error. |
Start & End Dates |
Start and End dates can be set (along with times on those dates) to determine when the portal is open for feedback. If a reviewer attempts to access the Review Portal outside of this window (i.e., before the Start date/time or after the End date/time), the reviewer will be able to log in and view their assigned application packages, but will not be able to submit feedback or save feedback as a draft (they will encounter an E1200 Error upon attempting to do so). Note that all times are in Eastern Time. If you wish the portal to be open or closed at a certain local time, and you are not located in ET, be sure to adjust the time entered here based on the time difference. |
Header Image |
You may choose to upload a logo or header image that will brand the portal. This image, which will take the form of a banner image (i.e., may take up the full width of the portal screen), will appear at the top of any screen in the Review Portal. Images may be JPG, PNG, or GIF file types. The maximum image size is 1280 pixels wide by 228 pixels tall; however, an image this size will take up a considerable vertical portion of the screen on smaller devices, such as laptops or tablets, so a smaller image may be preferable. |
Email Display Name |
Customize the sender display name for outgoing emails from this portal. By default, emails will go out with the display name Web Portal App. However, changing this value will only affect the display name; the email will always come from the address Emails that come directly from the portal include Email confirmations when a reviewer creates their account, password reset emails, and a few other limited situations. |
Access Tab
The Access tab controls configuration settings that apply to reviewer access and the Review Portal Login page.
Option | Description |
Member Email Field | The email field within the Reviewers/Portal Users form that stores login credentials for reviewers. This form is designated in the Program Manager Settings (Process Overview → Permissions), but if that form contains more than one email field, administrators can select or change which field contains the reviewer email that stores the address used to log into the portal. |
Login Text | Using the text editor, administrators can customize the default text that the portal users will see on the Login Page prior to signing up or logging in. We recommend adding the name of the program and review stage, if applicable; introducing the login or signup process; and highlighting deadlines or special instructions. |
Login Consent |
Checking the Login Consent box will display a rich text editor box (labeled Consent Messaging that allows administrators to create a consent message for portal users. This may include privacy information, terms of service notifications, URLs/links to existing privacy policies, and so forth. Portal users will need to acknowledge this information once before logging into the portal for the first time, or anytime the text is updated subsequently. They will be unable to log in without acknowledging they have read the message by first checking a box. |
Generate User Consent Report |
If Login Consent is enabled, administrators can select the Generate User Consent Report button to download a report (as a .CSV file) that displays the history of which portal users acknowledged the Login Consent Message and when. If Login Consent is not enabled, or no portal users have acknowledged the message yet, then the report will not be generated. |
Data Tab
The Data tab contains configuration settings related to which data from submission packages will be shown to reviewers in a Review Portal, how that data will appear, and how that data can be accessed as PDFs or downloads. The Data tab contains five subtabs that organize these settings: Listing Style, Listing Pages, Data Detail, Data Download, and Other.
Listing Style
Upon logging into a Review Portal, reviewers will see a list of assigned submission packages. The configuration settings on the Listing Style subtab control how those listing items appear and what information they contain.
Option | Description |
Style | Choose between Listing or Grid style. A Listing style will show the assigned submissions in a vertically-oriented list, while the Grid style will display submissions as a series of tiles organized into a grid. |
Display Button |
Choose whether or not to display a button displaying the review status (Review, In Progress, or Done) next to each item. For portal users, this button also serves as a link that will take them to the submission materials for that assignment. This box is checked by default, and should remain checked unless administrators intend to use one of the items displayed in a submission listing as a link instead (see Listing Items below). |
Listing Items |
In the center of the Listing Style page, administrators will see five boxes. These correspond to different pieces of information (“items”) that can be displayed for each assigned submission on the Listing Page in a review portal. Administrators can choose to display up to four fields from the primary Submission form and the Display Button (if Display Button is checked; see above), or up to five fields (if Display Button is unchecked). See below for information on configuring the Listing Items. |
Review Grid + Export | Checking the box next to Review Grid + Export will add a button to the Review Portal Listing Page that allows reviewers to view a table containing review feedback and completion status for all assigned reviews (including those which are incomplete). The reviewer can also download this table as a .CSV file. |
Show Download Button |
When a reviewer is viewing a form from a submission package in a review portal that has multiple records (for example, if a submission includes 3 letters of recommendation), they will be presented with a list of those records when accessing the form. (See The Review Portal Experience (Navigating Forms) for an example.) Checking the box next to Show Download Button will add a button to this list, in the upper right corner, that will allow reviewers to download a .CSV file containing the data in all of the records for this form linked to the submission. (Note that the .CSV file will not contain any attached files.) |
Listing Items
The Listing Items section of the Listing Style settings allows administrators to customize the way the submission items appear on the Listing Page of a review portal. This can include up to 5 fields from the Submissions form (including the field designated as the Record Title), or 4 fields and the Display Button. Each of these fields is represented by one of the boxes in this section; boxes that display SELECT FIELD contain no information and will not display in the Review Portal. The default settings include the Display Button and the Record Title.
When the Display Button option is checked, the first box (labeled Button) will contain customization options for the Display Button. Select the box to open these options.
Administrators can customize the Display Button text that shows the review completion status of the assigned submission.
- Before Feedback: the text that will be displayed when a review assignment has not been started.
- After Feedback: the text that will be displayed when a review assignment is complete and has been submitted.
Administrators can uncheck the Display Button option to remove the Button box in the Listing Items section, allowing them to choose 5 fields instead of 4 (and the Display Button).
To customize the Listing Items that display field information:
- Select one of the boxes to open the options.
- Customize the configuration options as needed:
- A - Field: choose the field from the Submissions form from the dropdown menu. The value in that field for the specific submission record will be displayed.
- B - Make Link: check this box to make the field information contain a link that will take portal users to the submission package materials for review. This is useful if the Display Button is removed from the Listing Items.
- C - Show Label: check this box to have a label display to the left of the field value on the Listing Item. Leaving this box unchecked will only display the value in the field.
- D - Label: this option will only appear if Show Label is checked. Administrators can customize the label text here.
- E - Remove Item: the field display can be removed completely from the Listing Item by selecting the “trash” icon in the upper right corner of the display field box.
For example, the following configuration will create the accompanying Listing Item display in a review portal:
Listing Pages
By default, Review Portals contain a single listing page, which displays all of the submission packages that have been assigned to the reviewer who is currently logged in. On the Listing Pages subtab, additional listing pages can be optionally added to organize submissions for the portal users. These pages can be configured to organize submissions by the Folder status of the main Submission Form; an additional listing page can also be added that contains all completed reviews for the logged-in portal user.
If no additional Listing Pages have been created for a Review Portal, the page will look like this:
To create a new Listing Page, select +Add Page.
A new set of options will appear:
Item | Option | Description |
A | Edit Page Name | Provide a short, descriptive name for the Listing Page. |
B | Edit Button | Select this button to configure which submissions will appear on the Listing Page (see below). |
C | Delete Button | Select the button displaying a “trash can” icon to delete the Listing Page. |
D | Page Navigation as | Select between Tabs or Dropdown to control whether the Listing Pages will appear to portal users as different tabs or can be selected from a dropdown option, respectively. We recommend selecting Tabs for a small number of Listing Pages and Dropdown for a larger number of pages. |
E | Show Completed Reviews | Checking the box next to Show Completed Reviews will create a separate Listing Page that contains only assigned submissions which have been completed by the portal user. |
Selecting the Edit button will expand the Pages configuration box, allowing administrators to define which assigned submissions will appear on the Listing Page, the order in which they appear, how many submission listings appear on a single page, and an optional hover message.
Option | Description |
Folders |
Check the box next to each folder to define which submission packages appear on the Listing Page. The folders that can be chosen are those that appear on the Submission Form defined for a Review Program in the Program Manager Settings (see the article Program Manager (Setup a New Program). Any assigned submission packages for which the Submission Form is in one of the designated folders will appear on this Listing Page. |
Sort by | Listings can be ordered by Name (the Submission Form record name, in alphabetical order) or Date (the date on which the submission package was submitted, in order of oldest to newest). |
Entries per Page | Define how many submissions are displayed on a single page. If the number of assigned submissions exceeds this number, then paging controls will appear to the portal user at the bottom of the page, allowing reviewers to navigate to additional submission items. |
Hover Tip | Provide a short message that will appear when a portal user hovers their mouse over the Listing Page tab in the Review Portal. |
Note that if the Review Process (configured using the Program Manager Settings) is set up so that only submissions in a specific folder can be assigned to reviewers, then setting up additional Listing Pages based on the folder status will simply create empty Listing Pages, since only submissions in a single folder can be assigned to reviewers.
Data Detail
The Data Detail subtab contains configuration settings related to which form records can be viewed by reviewers in a Review Portal, as well as which fields on those forms are visible or hidden and how they appear to reviewers.
Administrators can choose to display data from any forms that are linked to the Submissions Form, regardless of whether they are linked as child forms or parent forms. Any existing records from selected forms will be displayed as part of a submission package in the Review Portal when portal users are viewing a submission.
The left-hand pane on the Data Detail page displays a summary of available forms that can be shown in the portal (including forms that may not yet have existing records, depending on the program workflow). They will be colored either blue (for the primary Submissions Form); purple (for parent forms), or green (for child forms). In the above screenshot, the APPLICATION form is the primary Submissions form; Review Feedback, Award Details, Award Acceptance, and Recommendations are child forms to the Submissions form; and PROFILES is a parent form.
The right-hand pane, in the gray box under Portal Form List, displays the forms that will be available for review as part of a submission package in the Review Portal. The Submissions form must be available by default and cannot be removed.
Administrators can add forms to the Review Portal by dragging and dropping a box (representing a form) from the left pane to the gray box on the right. Form boxes on the right can be dragged and dropped up or down to change the order in which they appear. The top-most form box will be the form that is first displayed when a portal user selects a submission to review.
In the screenshot above, the PROFILES and Recommendations forms have been added to the Portal Form List and will be available to reviewers as part of a submission package. They will be listed in the portal in the order that has been set. (For more information on how these forms can be viewed by portal users, see the article The Review Portal Experience (Navigating Forms)).
To remove a form from the Portal Form List, select the X button on the right side of a form box. Note that the primary Submission form cannot be removed.
Field Settings
Administrators can also customize how the form name appears in a Review Portal and the appearance of the fields on each form. Note that any changes made here will not affect the form as it appears in the workspace, the submission portal, or any other review portals; these changes will only affect how the form and fields appear in this specific portal.
To customize the field settings for a specific form in the Review Portal:
- Select the “gear” icon on the right side of the form box displayed in the gray box under Portal Form List that should be customized.
- This will bring up a pop-up overlay displaying the field settings for that specific form.
- A - Form Name Display: the name of the form can be changed to display differently in the portal. Select the pen-and-paper icon; you will then be able to edit the name of the form.
B - Field Order: the order in which the fields appear to portal users can be edited.
- Select the dropdown labeled DEFAULT ORDER above the first column and choose CUSTOM ORDER.
- The rows (representing fields) can then be moved up or down by dragging and dropping the directional-arrow icon in the left-most column.
C - Show/Hide Fields: individual fields can be hidden from reviewers in the portal.
- Select the dropdown labeled DEFAULT SHOW above the second column and choose CUSTOM SHOW.
- The values in each row in the second column can now be selected, and the options Hide or View Only can be chosen. The Hide option means that the field will be hidden in the portal, while the View Only option means that the field will be visible to reviewers.
D - Field Labels: the field name can be changed to display differently in the Review Portal.
- Select the box containing the field name in the fourth column (under LABELS) that you wish to change. The box will turn yellow, showing that the value has been changed.
- Enter the field name you wish to be displayed to reviewers in the portal.
- Select Reset to revert the change back to the original field name, as displayed in the third column (under FIELDS).
E - Field Help Text: finally, help text for each field can be added or edited to appear differently in the Review Portal.
- Select the box containing the help text in the right-most column (under HELP TEXT) that you wish to change. (If no help text has been configured for the field on the form, it will display Click to add help text.) The box will turn yellow, showing that the value has been changed.
- Enter the help text you wish to be displayed for the field to reviewers in the portal.
- Select Reset to revert the change back to the original help text, as configured on the form in the workspace.
- When the field settings have been configured, select the blue Apply button in the lower right corner to apply the field settings. Select Cancel to revert any changes that have been made.
Be sure to select Save all settings in the lower right corner of the Data Detail page to ensure these changes take effect.
Data Download
The Data Download subtab contains configuration settings related to how PDF versions of the assigned submissions are generated and downloaded by review portal users.
Option | Description |
Download Button | Checking the box next to Display “Download ZIP” Button in this review portal will enable an option for review portal users to download all of their assigned submission packages as individual PDFs (including attached files) in one ZIP file. For more information, see the article Review Portal Experience (Downloading Review Assignment Materials). |
Background PDF Generation |
When Review Portal users view a submission package, they can toggle between Interactive View and PDF View. Typically, PDFs of a submission package is generated only when the PDF View is toggled for the first time for a specific submission. (For more information, see the article Review Portal Experience (PDF View). Checking the box for Background PDF Generation will generate PDF versions of all assigned submission packages when a portal user signs into the portal. This reduces the time it takes to open or download PDFs, but may reduce overall portal performance while PDFs are being generated. |
Cache Time |
Cache Time controls how long PDFs are saved. When a PDF version of a submission package is generated, it is stored in a cache that is common to all Review Portals for a workspace. This makes it faster for a PDF version of a submission package to be accessed after the first time it is generated. Administrators can choose between Eight Hours, One Day, One Week, or 30 Days. Selecting an option means that a generated PDF submission package will expire and be deleted the designated amount of time after it has been generated. A longer Cache Time setting means that the PDF of a submission package is stored for longer before being cleared, reducing delay when portal users switch to PDF View. A shorter cache time will ensure that PDFs are generated more frequently, reflecting any recent changes to the content or field settings. (In addition, because the PDF Cache stores PDF versions for all Review Portals, shortening the Cache Time will ensure that PDFs generated in one Review Portal do not carry over to a different portals with different settings.) |
Refresh Cache | The Refresh Cache button allows administrators to manually refresh the PDF cache, removing all previously generated PDF versions of submission packages. This is helpful if submissions have been edited after the opening date of a review portal; if form or field settings have changed; or if program administrators will be promoting some submissions to a subsequent review stage, represented by a new Review Portal that may have different settings. |
The Other tab allows administrators to edit the default instructional Help Text that appears on the right side of any Review Portal page (after the login screen).
Feedback Tab
The Feedback tab controls configuration settings related to the review feedback that portal users submit for a specific submission. The form designated as a review feedback form is set for a Review Process in the Program Manager Settings.
Option | Description |
Feedback Button Text |
The button that opens the Feedback pane for portal users when viewing a submission can be customized. For example, you may want to change this button to say something like “Add Review.” For more information on where this button appears in the portal, see the article The Review Portal Experience (Submitting Reviewer Feedback). |
Allow Resubmit | When a reviewer submits their feedback on a submission, they will typically be unable to edit their review feedback without administrator intervention. However, checking the box next to Allow Resubmit will allow reviewers to reopen completed feedback, edit it, and resubmit it on their own. |
Post-Submit Message | When feedback has been submitted, the Feedback pane in a review portal will display the message shown here. This can be edited if you wish to customize the message with additional instructions. |
Field Details |
The form selected as the Feedback form in the Program Manager Settings (Feedback) for a specific Review Process can be customized to display differently in a review portal. This can be useful, for example, if the same Feedback form is used in different portals, and reviewers should answer different questions in each portal. Note that any changes made here will affect only the way the form is displayed in the portal; the form itself will not be affected. Administrators can adjust the order in which the fields appear in the Feedback pane in the portal; whether fields are viewable only, or can accept values (fields on the Feedback form cannot be hidden); how the field name appears to portal users; and how any help text for each field appears. The Field Details options function in the same way as they do for the Field Settings under the Data Details tab. For more information, see the section above Data Tab → Data Detail → Field Settings. |
Translations Tab
The Portal Language Translation feature allows for easier engagement and accessibility with a program for Review Portal users who may not communicate in English as a primary language. Administrators can configure a Google Translation of all on-screen and help text (including fields and any text on the program’s forms) by setting a default language for all portal users and choosing which of 108 language options they have access to for a translation.
This feature must be turned on by WizeHive to be utilized. If you are interested in enabling translations for one or more review portals, please notify your implementation specialist or contact our Zengine Support Team to inquire about enabling this feature.
For more information on configuring and using the Portal Language Translation feature for a review portal, please see the article Submission Portal Language Translation. Although this article is written specifically with submission portals in mind, once accessed and enabled, the feature works identically in both submission and review portals.
Common Questions
Why can't I (as an administrator) add a certain form to be viewable by Review Portal users?
On the Data tab → Data Detail subtab, administrators can configure which forms will be accessible to Review Portal users when viewing submissions. Any form that is directly linked to the Submissions Form (which is usually an application form of some sort and is designated in the Review Program using the Program Manager Settings), either as a parent or child form, should be shown as an option to add to the Portal.
If a specific form does not show up on this list, the most likely reason is because it is not directly linked to the Submissions Form. For more information on linking forms, see the article Linking Forms.
Why can't reviewers see a particular file attachment for some records, but they can view the same one for others?
The Review Portal should be able to display most standard file types (such as PDF, Excel and Word, JPG/PNG/GIF image files, etc) consistently across any record the file is attached to. However, sometimes these file attachments contain additional components that are difficult for the portal to read, or prevent it from opening the file fully.
For example, PDF files may contain additional security features such as passwords, or non-standard elements such as active form-fillable fields. Similarly, files created in applications such as Microsoft Excel may contain macros or other features that might impede the Review Portal from correctly reading the contents of the file.
If a File Upload field containing a consistent file type across different records can usually be opened and viewed in the Review Portal, but a few specific file attachments of the same file type cannot, this might be the case. Try downloading the file from the workspace rather than the Review Portal and opening it outside of Zengine to identify if any of these non-standard elements are present in the file.
What types of video files can be played within the Review Portal?
The Portal video player is capable of playing .MP4 and .FLV file types natively within the portal screen. Other video file types cannot be played in the review portal itself, but they can be downloaded and viewed using a different application.
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