This article is considered appropriate for administrators or workspace users with an intermediate level of knowledge about submission portals. If you are a beginner, we recommend reading the following article first:
For more information about suggested learning paths, see Introduction to Submission Portals: START HERE.
User Consent is something every website that collects user information must consider, as well as communicate to users how their information is captured and stored.
After a program has collected user signups, an administrator can run a report that provides data points like the user’s Record ID, email address, number of applications a user has, and the date and time stamp when the user accepted the user terms.
This article provides information and instruction around generating the associated report for user consent in a submission portal.
User consent reports can only be generated if the User Consent Messaging is turned on for a submission portal.
(For information about this setting, see the article User Consent Messaging (Submission Portal)).
Where to Find the Setting
In the Submission Portal Settings, the option to configure User Consent Reports can be found on the Users tab of the Portal Settings page.
To find the User Consent Reports setting:
- Logged into a program as an administrator, navigate to the Settings & Tools section by selecting the cog wheel icon in the top navigation bar.
- Select the Submission Portal tile from the Plugin Settings section.
- Select the Edit button to the appropriate submission portal.
- In the Portal Settings section on the right side of the screen, navigate to the Users tab.
- Selecting the Users tab will change the contents of the right side of the screen. The Generate User Consent Report button is found by scrolling down the page
Generate and Download a User Consent Report
To generate and download the User Consent Report:
- Select the Generate User Consent Report button.
- A popup will appear asking to confirm the generation of the report. Select the Create Report button to confirm.
- If the program is not yet active, or no users have signed up, a popup message will display stating that there is no consent data currently available.
- If the program is active and there has been user consent data captured, a confirmation screen appears with a direct link to download the report as a CSV file.
- To download the report, select the blue text that reads ready to be downloaded.
- The report will download to the local computer. Once complete, select the Close button in the popup window.
- Open the report from the local computer. The report will show information including the Workspace ID, the form name, the record name, email address, acceptance date, and other relevant information. The report exports in the form of a spreadsheet. An example is shown below. (Some information is covered for privacy purposes.)
- Remember, if any changes were made to the settings within Zengine, select the blue Save all settings button in the lower right corner of the screen before navigating to a different screen in Zengine.
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