In older Zengine programs/submission portals, program administrators had the option to customize the submission portal background color. However, some colors caused accessibility issues, or made it difficult for portal users to read the portal text. As a result, this customization option was removed, but WizeHive did not forcibly change the background color to white for any programs that had already set a different background color.
To improve the user experience in these older programs, WizeHive added the option to revert the default background color for a submission portal to white. This article will cover where to find and enable this setting.
Please note: This option is mainly for older programs and is not commonly needed with new programs, for which the default background color is already white.
Where to Find the Setting
In the Submission Portal Settings, the option to change the portal Background Color to white can be found on the Style tab of the Portal Settings page.
To find the Background Color in a Submission Portal setting:
- Logged into a program as an administrator, navigate to the Settings & Tools section by selecting the cog wheel icon in the top navigation bar.
- Select the Submission Portal tile from the Plugin Settings section.
- Select the Edit button to the appropriate submission portal.
- In the Portal Settings section on the right side of the screen, navigate to the Style tab.
- The setting is close to the top of the page and is highlighted in the image below.
Customize the Submission Portal Background Color
After navigating to the Style tab, to customize the portal background color to white, if it’s not already white:
- Select the box next to the Make portal background color white label.
- Select the blue Save all settings button in the lower right corner of the screen to save the changes.
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