Setting up the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin for use in your Zengine workspace is an advanced process. Before continuing, you should understand the basics of linking forms, how to edit forms and add folders, and how to create and edit document templates.
For more information on these topics, please see the following articles:
- On linking forms and records: Linking Forms
- On editing forms and folders: Form Builder Overview
- On creating and editing document templates: Document Templates Plugin
If you would like assistance in setting up a DocuSign E-signatures integration, or editing an existing one, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager at WizeHive or to our Support Team.
- Overview
- The DocuSign E-signatures Plugin
- Requirements
- Setting Up the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin
- Where to Find the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin Settings
- Creating a New Configuration
- Example Configuration
- Configuring the Trigger Form
- Configuring the Document Source Form
- Configuring the Documents Target Form
- Configuring the Recipients Settings
- Enabling and Disabling the Configuration
- Entering an HMAC Key
- Editing or Deleting a Configuration
- Summary of the Configuration Process
The DocuSign E-signatures plugin integrates DocuSign with a Zengine workspace to add an electronic signature (e-signature) process to any program workflow. This integration allows workspace administrators to send an unsigned document for e-signature through DocuSign to up to 10 recipients, send the document to signees in a designated order, manage and track the progress of an e-signature request, and more - all without leaving the workspace. The actual e-signature process takes place through DocuSign, and a DocuSign account at the Business Pro or Enhanced Plan level is required for this integration to fully function.
This article will cover the requirements needed to successfully use the DocuSign E-signatures plugin, explain the process of setting up or editing a configuration.
For information on using the DocuSign E-signatures plugin, please see the article Using the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin.
The DocuSign E-signatures Plugin
The DocuSign E-signatures plugin allows administrators to seamlessly integrate a DocuSign electronic signature request into their Zengine workspace. This is ideal for situations in which awarded applicants must electronically sign an award letter or grant agreement contract before awards funds can be disbursed, although the tool can also accommodate other DocuSign-related program needs and situations with ease .
The actual process of electronically signing a document largely takes place in DocuSign, but Zengine manages and tracks the progress of each signature and checkpoint, interacting with the DocuSign platform via an API.
Administrators begin by either generating a document to be signed within Zengine using the Document Templates Plugin with embedded DocuSign Tags (for more information, see the article Using DocuSign Tags in a Document Template), or by uploading a PDF document created outside of Zengine.
The DocuSign E-signatures plugin can then be used to send that document as an envelope (a DocuSign term and construct that includes the documents to be signed and associated data and security measures) to up to 10 designated recipients in a specific order. Those recipients can be fixed, entered manually, or drawn from email fields on various linked records. Once all signatures have been completed, the signed document will automatically attach to a designated upload field in Zengine, and all signees will receive an email copy from DocuSign.
The configuration options for this plugin provide a considerable amount of customization and flexibility to accommodate different needs and use-cases. Multiple configurations can be set up simultaneously to enable DocuSign processes at more than one place in a workflow, or in different programs within the same workspace. However, there are also a number of prerequisites that must be in place before the plugin can be configured and successfully used (see Requirements below).
If your program utilizes DocuSign at any point in its workflow, and you are interested in using this plugin to integrate your workspace with DocuSign, please contact your Customer Success Manager at WizeHive.
Before creating a DocuSign configuration, workspace administrators must have the following requirements in place.
DocuSign E-signatures Plugin installed in a workspace: If the plugin is not installed in your workspace, please contact your Customer Success Manager at WizeHive to discuss installation. Please note that this is a paid plugin that will typically be reflected in your contract with WizeHive.
Business Pro or Enhanced Plan with DocuSign: Because the integration interacts with DocuSign via an API, a DocuSign account for the Zengine administrator’s organization is still required to process the electronic signature requests. In order to communicate successfully with DocuSign, Zengine must have access to HMAC Keys (see below) generated from the user’s DocuSign account. DocuSign restricts the ability to generate HMAC Keys to users with a Business Pro or higher-level account; as a result, this is necessary to use the DocuSign E-signatures plugin in Zengine.
HMAC Key: An HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) Key is a type of security code used in various applications to ensure the data integrity and authenticity of a message. In this case, HMAC Keys are generated in an organization’s DocuSign account and shared with Zengine to confirm that the document package - or envelope - sent to various signees from a workspace has not been tampered with.
For more information on creating and using HMAC Keys, please see the article Generating HMAC Keys for DocuSign Integration with Zengine.
Document Template with DocuSign Tags: In order to request an electronic signature on a document stored in Zengine, that document must be uploaded manually by an administrator or created in Zengine. Typically, documents for this purpose are generated with the use of the Document Templates plugin. This tool will generate documents from a template that include field references, customizing each individual instance of the document with information from the applicant’s set of linked records.
An additional advantage of using Document Templates to generate documents for use with DocuSign is that DocuSign-specific “tags” can be added, which will specify where signees can add their names, titles, signatures, and the date to the document in DocuSign. Although any PDF document can technically be used for this process, if a document lacks these DocuSign Tags, signees will be able to place this information anywhere in the document.
For information on how to create a document template in Zengine that uses these DocuSign Tags, see the article Using DocuSign Tags in a Document Template.
Form Configurations: The DocuSign E-signatures plugin configuration is designed to make use of certain features that must be set up on the forms involved in the DocuSign process. Before explaining those features, however, the form “roles” should be defined:
- Trigger Form - a form must be designated as a Trigger Form in the DocuSign process. This is the form that contains records from which the DocuSign e-signature request will be initiated.
- Documents Source Form - this role represents the form that contains the document to be electronically signed.
- Documents Target Form - this role represents the form to which the document will be uploaded after all e-signatures have been completed.
These roles can be filled by three different forms, or the same form can take on two or all three roles. (For more information, see the sections Creating a New Configuration and Example Configuration below.) However, the form or forms used in each role need the following features before they can be used in a DocuSign configuration:
- The form to be used as the Trigger Form must have three different folders - one to indicate that the DocuSign request is ready to be sent, a destination folder to indicate that it has been completed, and a “failed” folder to indicate that the request was declined, canceled, or failed for some other reason. For example, these folders could be titled DocuSign Request, DocuSign Complete, and DocuSign Failed.
- The form to be used as the Documents Source Form must contain an upload field for the unsigned document and a text field for the document title. If a Document Template with DocuSign Tags will be used to create the document, it should be set up with this form. Finally, If this form is different from that used as the Trigger Form, it must also have a Linked Form field linking it to the Trigger Form. (For more information on linked form fields, see the article Linking Forms).
- The form to be used as the Documents Target Form must contain an upload field for the completed document. If this form is different from that used as the Trigger Form, it must also have a Linked Form field linking it to the Trigger Form.
For more information on Trigger Forms, Documents Source Forms, Documents Target Forms, and how e-signature request recipients are designated, see the next section Setting Up the DocuSign E-Signatures Plugin.
Setting Up the DocuSign E-Signatures Plugin
Once all requirements are in place (see the section Requirements above), setting up a DocuSign E-signatures configuration involves:
- Designating the form containing records from which the DocuSign e-signature request will be initiated (the Trigger Form), the form that will contain the unsigned document (the Documents Source Form), and the form that will contain the completed document (the Documents Target Form);
- Identifying how the signees will be determined for each e-signature request;
- Entering the HMAC Key generated in the DocuSign account that will be used with this workspace; and
- Enabling the configuration by entering the DocuSign account-holder’s credentials.
If set up correctly, the end result will be that when certain conditions with respect to a specific record are met, a button will appear on the Trigger Form record that sends a document package, or envelope, to up to 10 recipients via email for e-signature in DocuSign. Administrators can track the progress of the DocuSign envelope through a new form called “DocuSign Transactions” and can void or resend the envelope. When all signatures have been collected, the signed document will be automatically uploaded to a designated upload field on the Documents Target Form. (For more information, see the article Using the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin.)
Where to Find the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin Settings
Configurations can be set up in the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin Settings, which can be accessed in the workspace Settings & Tools:
- Logged into a Zengine workspace as an administrator, navigate to the Settings & Tools page by selecting the icon in the upper right corner of the workspace screen.
- Under Plugin Settings, select the DocuSign E-signatures tile.
- If this is the first time the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin Settings has been accessed and no configurations are currently set up, a message will appear indicating that a new form in your Zengine workspace must be set up in order to track the DocuSign envelopes. Select Yes to automatically set up this form when the configuration is complete, or select Close to continue without this form (this is not recommended, as tracking the progress of a DocuSign envelope sent from the Zengine workspace is not possible without this form).
- Once this message is closed (or if one or more configurations have been set up already), the main settings page for this plugin will display. Select Let’s create one! or +Create Configuration to begin creating a configuration (see the section Creating a New Configuration below).
- If existing configurations have been set up, these will also appear on the main plugin settings page. (See the image below for reference.)
- A - Select an existing configuration tile to edit the settings for that configuration, or select the toggle button to Enable and Disable the configuration.
- B - Select Copy Configuration to duplicate a configuration, which can be preferable to setting up a new configuration if only minor differences from an existing one are needed.
- C - Select +Create Configuration to begin a new configuration.
- D - Once a configuration has been created and saved, a new section will appear on this screen called Webhooks Settings (DocuSign Connect API - HMAC Keys). (The full section is not shown in this image, only the heading.) See the section Entering an HMAC Key below for more details.
- E - Select Grid or List to change the way the existing configurations are displayed. Grid is the default setting, and will show each separate configuration as a tile. List will show the configurations in a list format.
Creating a New Configuration
Upon creating a new configuration, administrators will first only see a text field called Configuration Name.
- Enter an appropriate name for the configuration (see image below).
- Once a name has been entered, four tabs with different configuration options will appear below this text field: Trigger Form, Documents Source Form, Documents Target Form, and Recipients.
- Trigger Form: this tab is used to configure the settings for the form that will be used to initiate the DocuSign e-signature request. This form must contain the folders used in the DocuSign process (see the section Requirements above). Administrators can also configure the contents and subject line of the email that will be sent to signees, and the text of the button that will appear to initiate the process. This is frequently the primary form of a submission portal, but does not need to be.
- Documents Source Form: this tab is used to configure the settings for the form that contains the Unsigned Document upload field and the Document Title field. It may be the same form as that defined as the Trigger Form, but must be linked to the Trigger Form if it is not, as is generally the case.
- Documents Target Form: this tab is used to configure the form that contains the Signed Document upload field, which will be automatically uploaded when all signees have completed their electronic signatures on the document. It may be the same as the Trigger Form or the Documents Source Form; however, if a different form is designated as the Target Form, it must be linked to the Trigger Form.
- Recipients: the settings on this tab configure how the envelope recipients (a.k.a., the document signees) are determined. The DocuSign E-signatures Plugin allows administrators to designate signature request recipient email addresses one of three ways:
- (1) defining a static recipient (i.e., this recipient will be asked to sign all document requests);
- (2) adding the email address of the recipient manually when an envelope is sent; or
- (3) pulling the signee names and email addresses from a designated field on a form. If more than one signature request recipient will be designated using this option, then all email fields must be located on the same form. This does not need to be the same form as the Trigger, Documents Source, or Documents Target Forms, though it can be; however, if it is not the Trigger Form, then it must be linked to the designated Trigger Form.
Example Configuration
While defining and configuring forms and recipients in the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin may sound complex when described in the abstract, the process of determining which forms and fiddles should be used in a configuration is relatively straightforward when the process is made concrete. The following example should help make matters clearer. However, keep in mind that each workspace represents a different process workflow, and this example represents a “stereotypical” configuration or use-case that may need to be adapted to a particular program or workspace.
In this example scenario, a program managed in Zengine requires representatives from a non-profit organization to submit an application for program grant funding.
- The representative fills out an Organization Profile and submits an Application.
- Once the application has been reviewed and awarded, an administrator creates an Award Details form and attaches an unsigned award letter. This letter is to be electronically signed via DocuSign by the awarded organization’s Program Director and Executive Director/CEO. After that occurs, the document is countersigned by a representative of the granting organization (who is administering the workspace and disbursing the grant funds).
- The signed award letter then appears on the Award Details form, which is accessible in the submission portal. The field containing the unsigned document can be hidden from the portal user, while the signed document field can be set to view-only so the portal user can download the signed document, but cannot change it.
- At that point, the DocuSign process is considered complete. The portal user can access the signed grant agreement and accept their grant award in the submission portal.
The Award Details form is already linked to the Application form for use in the workspace’s submission portal. However, the workspace administrator wants to pull the names and email addresses of the first two recipients (from the awarded organization) from the linked Organization Profile form record, where that information was submitted. The third signee should be the same person, regardless of which organization was submitted.
In the DocuSign E-signature Plugin configuration, the Application form is designated as the Trigger Form, since it is already linked to other forms involved. The applications form also contains the folders that will be used to initiate and track the DocuSign process.
The unsigned document and document title fields reside on the Award Details form, so this form will be designated as the Documents Source Form.
The signed document will be automatically uploaded to a different upload field on the Award Details form when all signees have completed their e-signatures, so this form will also be designated as the Documents Target Form.
The first two e-signature request recipients belong to the awarded organization, and their names and email addresses have been entered into the submitted Organization Profile record. The program administrator will designate the Organization Profile form as the Recipients Form, and these fields as the “recipients,” on the Recipients tab. The third signee belongs to the granting program and will countersign all award letters, regardless of the awarded organization, so this individual will be designated as a “static recipient” who will receive all requests.
This is but one example, and the configuration options offer the flexibility to meet nearly any program workflow need: for example, the same form can be designated as Trigger Form, Documents Source Form, and Documents Target Form - or three separate forms can be defined, one in each role. Likewise, administrators can designate up to 10 recipients to receive the e-signature request, each of which can be individually configured.
Configuring the Trigger Form
These are the configuration options that can be set on the Trigger Form tab in a DocuSign E-signatures Plugin configuration.
- Trigger Form: this dropdown field designates on which form the DocuSign process will start. As this form must be the same as, or linked to, the Documents Source Form, the Documents Target Form, and any forms on which recipient email addresses are located, the Trigger Form is often the primary form of a submission portal (since those necessary linkages will already exist for portal functionality). However, other configurations are possible.
- Send to DocuSign Folder: choose which folder on the Trigger Form that will be used to enable a DocuSign e-signature request. A record must be in this folder before the e-signature request can be initiated. It can be the same folder as one used in a submission portal stage or auto email, but must be different from the folder chosen as the DocuSign Failed Folder and the Signature(s) Received Folder.
- DocuSign Failed Folder: choose the folder on the Trigger Form which the record involved in the DocuSign e-signature request will be changed to if the DocuSign request is declined by a recipient, voided or canceled by an administrator, or fails for some other reason.
- Signature(s) Received Folder: choose which folder on the Trigger form which the record involved in the DocuSign e-signature request will be changed to once all signatures have been completed and received.
- Send Button Label Text: type in the text that will appear as the label of the button used to initiate the DocuSign e-signature request. This button will appear on the Trigger form.
- Email Subject Text: when an e-signature request is initiated, each signee will receive an email directing them to DocuSign via a secure link to read and electronically sign the document. This configuration setting determines what the subject line of that email is.
- Email Body: when an e-signature request is initiated, each signee will receive an email directing them to DocuSign via a secure link to read and electronically sign the document. This configuration setting determines what the body of that email will say.
If left blank, the default body will say “Dear [Recipient Name], Please DocuSign [Document Title].”
Configuring the Documents Source Form
These are the configuration options that can be set on the Documents Source Form tab in a DocuSign E-signatures Plugin configuration.
- Documents Source Form: this dropdown field designates the form which contains the upload field for the document to be signed. Though any form can be selected from this dropdown menu, an error message will appear if the form selected is neither the same form as the Trigger Form nor a form that is linked to the Trigger Form.
- Document Title Field: the Documents Source Form must contain a text field used to store the title of the document to be sent for e-signature. Choose which field is used for that purpose in this configuration setting.
- Unsigned Document Field: the Documents Source form must contain an upload field used to store the document that will be sent for e-signature. Choose which upload field is used for that purpose in this configuration setting.
- Linked Field: this field, though required, will only appear if the Documents Source Form is different from the Trigger Form. In that case, the Source Form must be linked to the Trigger Form. Select which field on the Source Form represents the linked form field that links to the Trigger Form.
- For more information about linking forms and Linked Form fields, see the article Linking Forms.
Configuring the Documents Target Form
These are the configuration options that can be set on the Documents Target Form tab in a DocuSign E-signatures Plugin configuration.
- Documents Target Form: this dropdown field designates the form which contains the upload field for the signed document that will appear automatically when all recipients have completed signing the document. Though any form can be selected from this dropdown menu, an error message will appear if the form selected is not the same form as the Trigger Form or a form that is linked to the Trigger Form.
- The form designated here can also be the same as the Documents Source Form.
- Note that if this form is not the same as the Documents Source Form, the plugin will create a new draft record on the Documents Target Form (linked to the Trigger form) to contain the signed document once it has been completed by all recipients; any other fields on this draft record will be left blank.
- Signed Document Field: the Documents Target Form must contain an upload field used to store the document that has been electronically signed by all recipients. Choose which upload field is used for that purpose in this configuration setting.
- Linked Field: this field, though required, will only appear if the Documents Target Form is different from the Trigger Form. In that case, the Documents Target Form must be linked to the Trigger Form. Select which field on the Target Form represents the linked form field that links to the Trigger Form.
Configuring the Recipients Settings
These are the configuration options that can be set on the Recipients tab in a DocuSign E-signatures Plugin configuration.
- Number of Recipients: Enter the maximum number of recipients that can be added to an envelope e-signature request via DocuSign. A maximum of 10 recipients can be added.
- Minimum Number of Recipients: Enter the minimum number of recipients who will be requested to electronically sign a document. This number should be less than the number entered into Number of Recipients.
- Although the configuration can be saved without an error message if a higher number is entered, this will cause problems when trying to create an e-signature request, and should be avoided.
- Leaving this field blank will require the administrator to request e-signatures from the number of recipients entered into Number of Recipients.
- Do you want to pull one or more Recipients from a related Form?: Selecting Yes will display options to designate Name and Email fields on either the Trigger Form or a linked form which the configuration will use to automatically add recipients to the e-signature request. The recipient(s) will be added based on the values in these fields on a record that is linked to the record used to initiate the e-signature request.
- Selecting No will require the administrator to manually enter the names and email addresses of recipients when a DocuSign e-signature request is initiated.
- Recipients Form: If Yes is selected to the previous configuration option, this configuration field will appear. Choose which form contains the Name and Email fields for at least one of the e-signature request recipients. The recipient(s) information will be pre-filled from these fields as a recipient when an e-signature request is initiated.
- Note that not all recipients need to be added from linked records on this form, but the fields for any recipients that are added from a form must be located on the same form; only one Recipients Form can be designated per configuration.
- Do you want to pull Recipient #[X] from the Recipients Form? Once a Recipients Form is chosen, a number of configuration fields with this title will appear. The number of configuration fields that appear is the same as entered into Number of Recipients above. (The [X] will display 1, 2, 3, etc. for each recipient number.)
- Each recipient can be configured separately. The options are:
- Yes - select this to designate the name and email fields on the Recipients Form that will be used to determine the e-signature request recipient.
- Add manually as a static recipient - select this option to enter in the name and email address of a recipient who should receive all e-signature requests for this configuration, regardless of other factors or recipients.
- Add manually upon sending - select this option to add the name and email address of the recipient manually when an e-signature request is initiated.
- Each recipient can be configured separately. The options are:
- Recipient #[X] Name Field / Recipient #[X] Email Field: these two configuration options will appear if Yes is chosen for Do you want to pull Recipient #[X] from the Recipients Form?. Select the fields on the Recipients Form that contain the name and email address of this recipient.
- The field chosen for Recipient #[X] Name Field should be a text field. Note that only one field can be chosen (i.e., if the Recipients Form contains separate fields for First Name and Last Name, only one can be selected here). However, the recipient name can be edited before sending the request.
- The field chosen for Recipient #[X] Email Field should be a text field validated as an email address. See the section Requirements → Form Configurations above for more information.
- Static Recipient #[X] Name / Static Recipient #[X] Email: these two configuration options will appear if Add manually as a static recipient is chosen Do you want to pull Recipient #[X] from the Recipients Form?. Enter in the name and email address of a recipient who should always be added as a recipient to every e-signature request associated with this configuration.
- The image below shows the dialogue box that appears when an e-signature request is initiated, demonstrating the result of these different configuration options:
- A - this recipient is pulled from designated fields on the Profile form, and will vary based on the information entered into each set of linked records.
- B - this represents a static recipient whose name and email address was entered into the configuration settings; this individual will receive all e-signature requests related to this configuration.
- C - the final recipient must be added manually by the administrator initiating the e-signature request before it can be sent.
When all required configuration settings have been completed, select the blue Save Configuration button in the lower right corner.
Enabling and Disabling the Configuration
Once a configuration has been saved, the configuration options will close, showing a tile for each configuration created. The new configuration will be Disabled by default.
- Select the orange toggle button to Enable the configuration.
- If this is the first configuration that has been enabled, a new browser tab will open showing the DocuSign login screen, prompting the user to enter their DocuSign login email and password.
- If previous configurations have been enabled, or the user is currently logged into their DocuSign account, the configuration will use these existing credentials, and the user will not be prompted to login to DocuSign.
- Once this has been completed, the toggle button for the configuration tile will change to green and display Enabled.
A configuration can be disabled at any time by selecting the green toggle button for the configuration tile. This will change the toggle button orange and display Disabled (as shown in the first image above).
This can also be done by selecting a configuration tile to open the settings and selecting the orange Disable button in the upper right corner.
Entering an HMAC Key
Once at least one configuration has been enabled, a new section will appear on the configuration settings page (below the configuration tiles) with the heading Webhooks Settings (Docusign Connect API - HMAC Keys).
This is where an administrator should enter in an HMAC Key that has been generated in a user’s DocuSign account. This security key is required to enable Zengine and DocuSign to communicate effectively through an API; a configuration cannot function without at least one correct HMAC Key.
For more information, see the section Requirements → HMAC Key above. For instructions on generating an HMAC Key in a DocuSign account, see the article Generating HMAC Keys for DocuSign Integration with Zengine. Note that only users with a Business Pro or Enhanced Plan DocuSign account will be able to access the settings to generate an HMAC Key.
To enter and confirm an HMAC Key:
- Once the HMAC Key has been generated in a user’s DocuSign account, copy and paste the full key into one of the configuration fields labeled HMAC Key #[X]. ([X] will be replaced with 1, 2, 3, etc. as appropriate.)
- Only one HMAC Key is needed, but additional keys can be added if an HMAC Key becomes obsolete, no longer functions, or needs to be changed.
- When the HMAC Key has been added to one of these configuration fields, press Enter. A message will appear on screen informing the user that a Test Envelope will be sent to confirm the HMAC Key associated with the user’s DocuSign account. Select Yes to continue or Close to cancel.
- The HMAC Key entry will change to display Saved and the icon to the right of the configuration field will show a yellow exclamation mark; hovering over this icon will show that the HMAC Key is in the process of being confirmed.
- The owner of the DocuSign account may receive email notifications from DocuSign informing them that they’ve received an envelope to sign, and a few moments later, that the envelope has been voided. No actions need to be taken with respect to these emails.
- The process of confirming an HMAC Key may take a few minutes. Once the key has been confirmed, the HMAC Key configuration field will display Confirmed and the icon will change to show a green checkmark.
If an incorrect HMAC Key has been pasted, or an HMAC Key was generated from a different DocuSign account than the one used to enable the DocuSign E-signatures plugin configuration in Zengine, this field will display Invalid and the icon will change to show a red X.
If this occurs, delete the value in this field and paste the correct HMAC Key, or disable and re-enable the configuration; this should prompt the user to enter in their DocuSign account login credentials again, and the credentials for the correct account should be entered.
Note that the same HMAC Key can be used for multiple configurations within a workspace, or across multiple workspaces; the HMAC Key is unique to a user’s DocuSign account rather than a configuration or Zengine workspace. In other words, the HMAC Key only needs to be entered once, unless there are specific reasons to enter additional HMAC Keys (such as one has been cycled out and is no longer in use).
Once the HMAC Key has been confirmed, the DocuSign E-Signatures configuration is complete and ready for use.
Editing or Deleting a Configuration
A configuration can be edited at any time, regardless of whether it is currently Enabled or Disabled.
To edit a configuration:
- Navigate to the DocuSign E-signatures plugin Settings (see the section Where to Find the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin Settings above).
- Select a configuration tile to open the settings.
- Make any revisions desired.
- When finished, select the blue Save Configuration button in the lower right, or Cancel to revert the changes without saving and close the configuration settings.
A configuration can also be permanently deleted:
- Select a configuration tile to open the settings.
- In the upper right corner, select the red Delete button.
- A message will appear confirming deletion. Select Yes to proceed with the deletion, or No to cancel. (The bold text in the image below will vary to reflect the name given to the configuration.)
Summary of the Configuration Setup Process
- Set up all form and folder requirements and ensure that the DocuSign E-signatures Plugin has been installed in a workspace.
- Navigate to Settings & Tools and select the DocuSign E-signatures tile.
- Select Create Configuration.
- Configure the Trigger Form, Documents Source Form, Documents Target Form, and Recipients Settings tabs.
- Enable the configuration and, if necessary, log into a Business Pro DocuSign account.
- Generate an HMAC Key in the DocuSign account and copy/paste that key into the appropriate field in the Zengine DocuSign E-signatures Plugin settings page.
- Once the HMAC Key has been verified, the configuration is ready to be used.
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